Jul 30, 2014


Beauty beyond the Green Garden Gate! 
 This is one of the prettiest plants I’ve ever seen in my garden.  It’s from an old Hubbard Squash seed that I planted earlier this spring.  I can’t believe it’s just now blossoming in hopes of producing an edible delight. 

Per my past posting, I’m hoping to use this pic in some creative form.  Maybe I'll set it into a fairytale setting or sketch it or who knows what ~ all I know is that it’s my newfound inspiration and therefore I’m happy. 


TexWisGirl said...

a very healthy looking plant!

jack69 said...

When I grow up I am gonna plant a garden!
Hugs to you two.
From Sturbridge, Mass

~mel said...

LOL ~ that Jack .. when he grows up ~ like I don't see that happening soon. I hope there's enough growing time for it to put on some squash ~ Hubbard is one of my favorite winter squash :)Yum

Dar said...

How I wish my plants looks so good...that is one gorgeous Hubbard plant. By Sept. you will be eating luscious squash. I will be buying mine at the farmers market, I'm afraid. Oh, I'm so glad you found your inspiration. You are one talented lady, like your sister Mel.

Dee said...

Frame it and enjoy looking at it this Winter.:) I was just talking with a friend about how lush and vibrant all the plants and flowers are this year. Even the wild flowers are awesome. ♥ When you frame it put a picture of your thumb painted green next to it :)

E.C. said...

Magnificent plant. It never ceases to amaze me the beauty of the vegetable plants. :)

Dar said...