Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts

Sep 15, 2012

Harvest Time

Click on pics to enlarge 
It's that time of year when all our hard work is paying off.  As we were preparing the garden for last nights frost we harvested about half of the tomatoes along with another picking of squash, chives, peppers and Swiss chard.  And I can't forget our one 'little' pumpkin.
 We only picked about half of the tomatoes - if that many.   We've already processed several jars of canned tomatoes and we made juice.  We've had a few meals of fried green tomatoes and lots of fresh eating.  Today is another day of canning more beautiful maters. Come winter, they are so flavorful.
I've been dehydrating herbs for several days too. The below pics are of the wonderful crop of parsley we had this year.  I planted them with my petunias and it was such a showy backdrop for the flowers. You can see pics of them on some of my past posts. 
I've had this dehydrator for so many years that I can't even think back that far.  I'd be willing to bet they probably don't even make this 'off-brand' unit any longer. It has seen a lot of use and  I will be lost if the day ever comes that it just plain gives up on me.  I've used it for everything from herbs to vegetables, jerky, fruits, you name it!  It's like an old friend that shows up for it's annual visit usually in the fall. 
 Once I had the dehydrator loaded for day and knowing we planned on working in the garden and yard for the day, I put a ham in the slow cooker.  Once we came in and got cleaned up I boiled some new red potatoes for parsley buttered spuds.  Oh my goodness ...  have I mentioned how I love this time of year!

Aug 24, 2012

Baking, Canning & Company

Oh how I love this time of year!


(zucchini breads)
and more baking 

(more zucchini breads)
and canning 

(green & wax beans)
and pickling

(vegetable medley) 
and more pickling! 

(pickled radishes)

And to top it all off we had company!
My oldest sister and her husband spent
this past weekend with us!
Always a good time! 

Apr 20, 2012

Something to Ponder:

I came across this verse by Gertrude Jekyll as I was planning this years vegetable garden.  I found it to be so true, no matter what you choose; be it a container garden, a wall garden, a field garden or raised beds ~ which happens to be what we do for the most part because of our sandy soil conditions ~ I wish you all a season of happy gardening! 

I do not envy
the owners of
very large gardens.
The garden should fit
its master ... just
as his clothes do;
it should be neither
too large or too small,
but just comfortable. 
Gertrude Jekyll 

And in advance; 
Happy Harvesting! 

Sep 18, 2011

End of Summer Chores

The end of summer means
bringing in some of the plants
we hope to keep going 
until next spring.
 and herbs
 and the rack to hold them
 and sorting through
tomatoes and plums
 and doing yet another batch of canning
once you thought you were done
who would have thought we still
had that many vegetables left ?!

Sep 16, 2011

I believe I may have reached the
end of my canning for the season!

Canned Carrots and Pickled Vegetable Mix
 Refrigerator Pickles
 and now to keep up with the tomatoes as
they ripen, if we can't keep up - I think I'll freeze them
 Cherry tomatoes ripening every day
 but somehow we manage to eat them as fast as they turn red

Sep 11, 2011

I haven't been posting much lately
because I've been
keeping myself busy

 preparing for winter

Aug 28, 2011

Apple Butter

 "In an orchard
there should be
enough to eat,
enough to lay up,
enough to be stolen,
and enough to rot
upon the ground." 
Samuel Madden

We picked enough to 'lay up'
some apple butter & some dried apples
 they required very little sugar
added along with
cinnamon and nutmeg
 cooking in the crock pot all day
until it becomes a delicious
apple butter
 the dehydrator worked its magic
and with time 
these apples became tasty treats

Aug 25, 2011


apple picking time 
 means baking apple strudel
 and apple crisp
 and a bowl of fresh

Aug 22, 2011

The rewards of gardening!
and more coming soon!

Aug 11, 2011

Canning from the "Green Gate Garden "

There is nothing better than
fresh garden produce
 but in those cold winter months
home canned goods
makes the body just as happy
 along with some home grown herbs
 late bloomers put a smile
on my face

Aug 9, 2011

Green Gate Garden

Fresh from the garden
 Herbs, tomatoes, a pepper and
a handful of beans before the raindrops fell
enough to make a great spaghetti sauce
 with some spinach on the side
along with some garlic herb bread
and swiss chard for the freezer