Unless otherwise noted; all contents of this blog including photos are the property of Cher Shots and not to be copied without prior permission. Thank you.
Dec 31, 2010
Dec 29, 2010
Subtle Hints
We had a wonderful Christmas smothered in Grand-loves!
We recieved this gift with a subtle hint ~
I guess they want us to move closer!
Dec 22, 2010
As you are out and about traveling over the holidays please remember this:
A recent joint study conducted by the Department of Health and the Department of Motor Vehicles indicates that 23% of traffic accidents are alcohol related. This means the remaining 77% are caused by assholes that just drink water, coffee, carbonated drinks, juices, energy drinks, and healthy crap like that. Therefore, beware of those who do not drink alcohol. They cause three (3) times as many accidents.
A recent joint study conducted by the Department of Health and the Department of Motor Vehicles indicates that 23% of traffic accidents are alcohol related. This means the remaining 77% are caused by assholes that just drink water, coffee, carbonated drinks, juices, energy drinks, and healthy crap like that. Therefore, beware of those who do not drink alcohol. They cause three (3) times as many accidents.
Seriously now ~
If you drink - don't drive!
Dec 21, 2010
Dec 15, 2010
Wildlife Wonderland
Although it was over 20 below this morning; as the temps began to rise the animals began to move. Within a short time frame we had deer, wild turkeys, crows, numerous chickadees, nut-hatches and mourning doves visit our back yard. The weather didn't seem to bother them in the least. I have to admit that I prefer seeing all this wildlife from the comfort of a warm and cozy house. With all this activity going on I sometimes forget that we have a 'city' address.
Good Morning! |
Dec 12, 2010
Game Time!
Did you play games at family gatherings? We did, do and probably always will. Now it's mostly cards but when my sisters and I were teenagers ... into our young adulthood ... then our mid adulthood ... we spent hours playing SCRABBLE. We would even take a board along to the beach, and we each kept one in our campers. Have board will travel. What memories ~ What fun!!
Now that I'm thinking about it we enjoyed several games!
How about you?
And Dear Sisters, GAME ON next time we get together!
All images from the internet.
Dec 9, 2010
Sparkling Nights
It's beginning to look
a lot like
Pictures just never do justice to the Christmas lights glow.
Dec 6, 2010
I remember waking up in what seemed like another world on Christmas morning because Santa came. Not only did he drop off toys but he also delivered a beautiful tree. What a breath-taking wonderful surprise! It was dressed in colorful balls, candle ornamets that bubbled, and sparkling lights - all draped in shimmering silver icicles. Each one perfectly hanging across the branch, as if the elves had an inch-worm in their pocket to determine the spacing of each icicle. And the floor was covered with presents, presents, presents! We each recieved one or two gifts, but it was always exactly what we wanted. Santa is so good at this sort of thing. I suppose I was in awe because there were so many gifts, but now I realize it was because there were nine of us kids in the house. However, beieve me, we were all very content with what we recieved. Our socks were hung on the fireplace and magically filled with various fruits while we slept. Bowls of nuts were set out on the table and we could only see a few crumbs left behind where we had left cookies for Santa.
But now it seems that every year the trees go up earlier and earlier. As much as children like to help decorate, and yes I know that Santa is a very busy man, I personally think it takes away that moment of 'awe and surprise' for them on Christmas morning. Stores are running the holidays all together. I remember when they would at least let Thanksgiving pass before seeing the Chirstmas items on the shelves. But like life itself, traditions change and we continue to adapt. But I still sometimes prefer tradition.
Dec 3, 2010
Creative Mind
My husband jokes that
I collect craft supplies!
Sad thing is
(as she whispers)
(as she whispers)
he's right!
I can't pass a good deal.
I'm guilty of collecting
while hardly ever creating!
my creative mind!
I need a kickstart -
just a gentle one please.
just a gentle one please.
Dec 1, 2010
Oh My! Times have changed.
My memory is still good! I can actually recall the days when I could have pulled this off ~ or better yet Santa could have pulled it off me!
Wink wink!
Oh come on people ~
Why do you think he winked all the time?!
Why do you think he winked all the time?!
Nov 27, 2010
Close Up - But What?
Look at what was looking at me
How would you like to see
some moose pass by your window?
Oh how I miss my Alaskan experiences
We tossed them some cabbage
But they still loved to browze
Then they napped in our lawn ~
perfect view from the kitchen.
The moose cow and calf
set up camp in our yard for
a couple of months
back in 2004.
Nov 26, 2010
Wine Anyone?
I did this scrap page a while back.
Wine ~ we like wine!
But what to do
with all those empty bottles ...
Suggestions welcome!
Suggestions welcome!
Nov 25, 2010
Nov 23, 2010
From the first signs of spring until the last leaf drops in the fall - we seem to go non-stop around here. But now that there's snow on the ground:

Pics are from the internet "Shrek" movie.
I just love the Shrek animation series.
In other words: My get up and go has got up and gone! But this too shall pass.
My animals have gone through reincarnation:
My ass is a dragon!
My ass is a dragon!

Pics are from the internet "Shrek" movie.
I just love the Shrek animation series.
In other words: My get up and go has got up and gone! But this too shall pass.
Nov 21, 2010
The snow has barely hit the ground
but I'm already missing
my summer flowers.
but I'm already missing
my summer flowers.
To see more of my flowers
on my Today's Flowers label
Nov 19, 2010
My Pillow Fetish
I have fallen in love with throw pillows.
Southwestern styles came with the sofa.
All the others I found for $1.00 a piece
Oh how I love the Good Will Store.
Can you believe only a buck a piece?
Aren't they beauties?
Aren't they beauties?
Nov 18, 2010
Best Turkey Ever
With Thanksgiving a week away I've been thinking about the best turkey I had ever roasted. It was in 2002 and we were liivng in Alaska at the time. We invited our closest friends over to join us and the feast was on.
This photo found on Simply Recipes.com
I had found the recipe in a magazine. No, I don't remember which one. Yes - I probably still have the issue as I can't seem to part with magazines very easily. (but I have reduced my subscriptions down to just a few) So I know somewhere in one of my 2002 issues I should be able to retrieve the BEST TURKEY recipe ever - but where?!
To the best of my recollection it was an olive oil rub with herbs that was placed under the skin as well as on top. But do you think I can drag out of my memory bank exactly what all was in it? Herbs, minced garlic, worchestershire sauce, soy sauce???? Whatever it was - it was soooooo GOOD - that I recall for sure. So does my husband as he mentions it whenever I make a turkey. Excuse me as I start hunting through old magazines.
Nov 16, 2010
FOG - Or is it just my mind?
We are in a fog again ...
or is it just my mind?
I feel myself sinking
into BLAH blah land.
Not to worry -
this too shall pass.
But when it's so
gray & lifeless
it's hard to find
Nov 13, 2010
Snow - Beautiful Snow
There's SNOWplace like home!
There's snowplace like home!
I wish I could have slipped into some ruby slippers and clicked my heels together to instantly tranport me back to my home this morning, rather than the drive on snow covered roads.
We went 'home' to visit with my Mom and siblings for a few days, but when the weather took a turn for the worse we decided to try and beat the worst of the storm and head for our 'home' a couple of days earlier than planned. Wet slushy icy snow covered roads caused some accidents along our way, but thankfully none involved us. After the first hours drive, the roads warmed enough to melt off the snow for ease in driving.
Mom had her house resided and new windows put in this fall. This was our first time seeing it. Prior to this the house was white with red gable ends. I love the 'gingerbread' appearance as you approach the house now, however... the backside of the building looks a little larger than a 'gingerbread' type house.
Even the chicken's had their coop redone to match the house.
Nov 10, 2010
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