Showing posts with label Todays Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Todays Flowers. Show all posts

Mar 6, 2011

I Want This

I love this flower garden 
    the way it flows along
flashing its beautiful colors

its a soul soother 

Photos found online

Feb 6, 2011

February's Flower

In the early 1900's
Lady Mary Wortley Montague
developed a language of flowers in
which significant sentimental
meanings and thoughts
were assigned to many flowers

February's traditional flower
is the blue violet and
its sentimental meaning is:
 pictures found online

Nov 21, 2010


The snow has barely hit the ground
but I'm already missing
my summer flowers. 
To see more of my flowers
on my Today's Flowers label

Nov 7, 2010

Brightening the Day

We are in that dull stage of fall when the beautiful leaves have already blown away and the grass is dead or dying.  I came across this picture that I took at my Mom's home in Wisconsin this summer and it brightened my day. 
Do enjoy -

Oct 17, 2010

Last Time - I Swear!

For those of you who follow me, you're probably sick to death of my moon flower pictures ... but I have one more to share.  LAST TIME - I SWEAR!

Being it was my first time growing this plant, I really didn't quite know what to expect.  I must say I was very excited with the results.  My sister gave me 4 seeds in a Christmas card.  I started them indoors and transplanted them as soon as it was warm enough up here in our Northern region.  All four flourished. 

I loved watching them grow.  The way they unfurled into huge bloosoms kept me checking them on a nightly basis.  They open at night you know, thus the name MOON FLOWER.

So there you have it, my final pictures made into a memory page.

Oct 10, 2010

Late Bloomer

I've been babying this fuchsia plant since early spring.  It would be loaded with buds but they never seemed to fully open.  So earlier this fall I had my husband hang it under the pine trees and from that point on we totally ignored it.  I guess it didn't like my pampering ~ because all of a sudden it decided to bloom; without my help.  We've had temperatures dip to the hard freezing points but it's still thriving. 
This picture was taken last week -  as you can see by the pine needles.  But now that beautiful fuchsia keeps on blooming and it brightens up that corner of our yard.
 Today is 10-10-10.  

Oct 3, 2010

Pink Hardy Hibiscus

The blossoms are so delicate they
remind me of crepe' paper. 

Sep 19, 2010

Farewell to Flowers

We've been blessed with the beauty of flowers
 but it's time to say farewell until spring.

Sep 11, 2010

Flower Power

'Flower Power ' is such an old catch phrase but back in the late 60's it was all the rage and then some. It even carried into the 70's. You can check it out at this link if you feel the need.

But Today's Flowers holds the real meaning of 'Flower Power' for me.  What a wonderful site for sharing your flowers with the world.  Their actual address is

This week I'm sharing pictures of my Hardy Hibiscus', all three of my plants are just loaded with buds so I'm praying it won't freeze before they all have a chance to open.  I planted them late last summer and cut them back to 6" for the winter then covered it with maple leaves for mulch.  One of the plants is about 10 feet tall and easily 6 feet wide.  Yes I'm very pleased seeing how we live in Upper Michigan and I felt I was taking a chance growing them here. 

Aug 29, 2010

Z is for Zinnia

Z is for Zinnia
~ the end ~

Aug 19, 2010

Glad I Grew Glads

I'm so 'glad' I grew some 'GLADS'

Aug 6, 2010

Night's White Wonder

Just as the day is
bidding us goodnight
Out come Moon Flowers
night's wonder of white.

all photos property of CherShots
do not copy without permission

Aug 1, 2010

Aug 1 - Flowers, Vegetable Garden

I just wanted to share some updated pics of my garden and the flowers planted to attract the pollenators.  And look at the height of our peas!  Thom is just shy of 6' to give you a visual-meter. 
This year we extended our garden
the squash and tomatoes are loaded,
with more blossoms just wating to produce
I just love squash and pumpkin vines
Yes Mel, I planted pumpkins! Thanks for the tip.
and I can hardly wait for the three
hibiscus plants to bloom
and I'd also like to thank Dar
for the moon flower seeds!
My sisters rock!

Jul 10, 2010

Vegetable & Flower Gardens

 All photos property of Cher Shots
do not copy without permission
After last years dry spell, we prepared for this year by setting out
five 50 gallon water barrels. They have been filled and refilled, refreshing the water on a regular basis.  Needless to say, we have not used them at all yet this season. Our rains are coming in as if scheduled and the vegetable and flower gardens are responding beautifully.
Zinnias, swiss chard and lettuce
Gladiolas and beets
Gladiolas, beans and onions
Peas and spinach
Lilies, lilies, lilies ...
and more lilies
and yet another color
mixed in with multiplier onions
can one ever really
have enough lilies?
See, I do grow other flowers too
loving the Red, White and Blue
and the old weathered look
ah, the resting place for 
after weeding of course!