Showing posts with label flower gardens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flower gardens. Show all posts

Sep 13, 2012

Random Shots

Our Grand-loves off for an adventure! 
And now they both started kindergarten. 

The last of the hardy hibiscus. 

Parsley & Petunias 

My thrifty find of pottery! 

Moonlight wrapped up for viewing! 

Tomato harvest ... again! 

Fried Green Tomatoes ~ hubby's favorite! 

Jun 7, 2012

I've been busy but I'm back now.

The first thing I planted this spring 
was a small bunch of carrots.

The weather held up nicely so ...

I built a new rock garden around 
the old stump from our ugly tree. 

A little rhubarb custard pie was in order
and another one is in order today! 

along with a little bird watching. 
This yellow-rumped warbler 
really enjoyed his bath. 

Then I headed to the garden 

My love, built me some more 
raised boxes (makes a total of 8
and then we decided 
to extend the 
garden and add a trellis for
cucumbers and squash. 
I helped! 

Look close ~
 I transplanted those carrots! 


The poppies opened the past 
few days! Enjoy! 

Aug 19, 2011

Monarch Butterfly About to Emerge

(click on pictures to enlarge)
Our good friends have a monarch
butterfly about to emerge
 she called to see if I wanted to take
some pics and of course I did
 its hanging off their
topsy turvy planter
Note the changes in the
following two pictures
the colors in the wings are showing
the emerging seemed to slow down
so we wandered around the yard
 I'm still snapping pics of course

 I love the ducks on this fountain
and the old wagon wheel topped
with the vintage window box

 and as we strolled along ...
 she found a new chrysalis
hanging on the garage wall
 and the remains of last years
hanging on the house
 after an hour of waiting, I headed home
Enjoy the remainder of the summer
the bees sure are!
Tomorrow I will check the progress on the butterfly.

Jul 18, 2011

The little prarie garden

A few weeks ago my husband mowed the lawn. It's been so hot since that it is now drying to a crisp.  At the time I told him that I would mow inside the little
picket fence. But then I noticed the daisies were about  to open, and I do love daisies so I let it go. 
I told him that I was going for the the 'prarie garden' look. Do you think he believed me? lol
As I was typing this entry the skies
 opened up and we are having
a wonderful, much needed rain!
~ Thanks be to God. ~

Jul 12, 2011

Grab Your Sunglasses

A daylily extravaganza
is going on at our place! 

Jun 14, 2011

Wrecks gone wild!

This little garden sits on the backside of our lawn. It edges up to the wild property beyond. When we first moved here I had some plants given to me but no place to put them. So I tucked them into this area as we were working on flower beds, garden, yard work in general. Then I started rescuing broken but still cute enough to look at  pieces. I tucked tree branches through the holes in the benches to keep them in from blowing over in the wind. The little bench in the front is on its last legs but so far so good.  And I just added an old cracked planter and transformed it into a bird bath with a gold pan we bought with us when we moved down from Alaska.

And wouldn't you know it, all the plants I tucked away in there temporarily started growing and sending up babies.  So it became a little sweet spot in the yard and now I don't have the heart to move any of it.  It catches my eye from every window on the backside of the house.

Jun 4, 2011

I Love Rocks

  I love rocks. 
From my childhood on
I  had to touch them, admire them,
love them. And now I have
rock gardens,
with even more rocks
 in my rock gardens. 
Overkill ~ I think not! 

this is one of my favorites
it reminds me of a shell

 Last springs' rock gardens
 My Dad loved rocks too ~
He split the rock with the stripes for me.
They are my absolute favorites!