Nov 14, 2012

YIKES! I'm so far behind ...

Okay, so I'm out there surfing the waves of the net and I come across this … BLOG PLANNERS!  (Click on the previous words BLOG PLANNERS for link) 
Free Weekly Blog Planner Printable
Could this really be the answer to my blogging problems? Do people actually use these to arrange their week? 

Heck I don't even know what I'm doing at the moment; let alone plan an entire week!   Heaven help me ~ have I been out of the loop to the point of not even knowing I was out of the loop?! 

NO!!!  Some are supposedly planning it by the MONTH ...  wait a second, I have to catch my breath ... 
Free Printable Monthly Blog Post Planner

Oh boy, now my mind is swirling, whirling and twirling again … 


Dar said...

I know the feeling. My entries get so helter-skelter sometimes, that I just throw my hands up and say, it is what it is.

jack69 said...

If I had to plan an entire week, it would ruin my reason for being here. I'm here for fun, and I have enough schedules.(smile)

~mel said...

Who's got time to plan? You know me, spur of the moment and what you get is what you get. Although, I did check out that sight and they really have a lot of nice printables on there for all kinds of things. Thanks for sharing.

Dee said...

They would make cute gifts...but I go day by day with stuff i do and don't do. I take breaks when my mind sizzles they would not work for me.