Sep 22, 2011

Sharing a Recipe

I've had requests for the
Apple Pie in a Jar
recipe so here it is:

Apple Pie in a Jar

Peel and slice apples into clean jars. Have syrup ready to pour on as you fill them up. (Option: peel and slice apples into water with lemon juice added to stop the apples from darkening then drain and fill jars)


4 c sugar 1 c cornstarch 2 tsp. cinnamon 1/4 tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp. salt 8 c water

Bring to a boil.

Add 3 tbsp. lemon juice to syrup after removing it from heat. Pour over jars of apples, clean rim, seal and process 20-25 minutes in hot water bath method.

One jar makes one pie.

Fill pastry pie shell and bake at 400º F for 30-35 min.

Sep 21, 2011

I'm Done; or Am I ?

I honestly 'thought'
that I was done canning
for the year
But ... that was before
making 8 half pints of apple butter
21 pints of plums
& 14 quarts of apple pie filling

 But what would you do 
if someone gave you some plums
 and a neighbor offered some apples
 We cooked them up, sauced them
and made some crock pot apple butter
 then we found some more apples
and a friend had just shared
a recipe with me for

So tell me what would you do?

Sep 18, 2011

End of Summer Chores

The end of summer means
bringing in some of the plants
we hope to keep going 
until next spring.
 and herbs
 and the rack to hold them
 and sorting through
tomatoes and plums
 and doing yet another batch of canning
once you thought you were done
who would have thought we still
had that many vegetables left ?!

Sep 16, 2011

I believe I may have reached the
end of my canning for the season!

Canned Carrots and Pickled Vegetable Mix
 Refrigerator Pickles
 and now to keep up with the tomatoes as
they ripen, if we can't keep up - I think I'll freeze them
 Cherry tomatoes ripening every day
 but somehow we manage to eat them as fast as they turn red

Sep 13, 2011

Thrifty Finds

I get tickled when I find a good deal
like this rolling kitchen cart
for only twenty dollars
go ahead - price them - I got a deal

 with six inlaid tiles
 Mother Earth's
"Capturing Earth's goodness since 1861"
 and a 'fall-ish' storage box
for only a hundred pennies
and a harvest basket
for ony two hundred pennies

Sep 11, 2011

I haven't been posting much lately
because I've been
keeping myself busy

 preparing for winter

Sep 8, 2011


Every so often
I need to recharge
my soul
I often do that
through nature
this time it was along the south shores
of Lake Superior
where nature itself puts on a smile
 and the sound of the waves
dissolves all stress
a place where I can
recapture a balance
through the power of prayer
and the beauty of nature
 I feel refreshed.

We started our weekend with a trip back home, visiting with family as we gathered in the comfort of 'Mom's' living room. The following morning we met up with some of Thom's family who made the trip 'up north' where they spent time in a cabin on a small lake. After fishing was checked off their list, we all pitched in and had a 'pot-luck' supper of fresh tomatoes, corn and cucumbers, hamburgers and good old Wisconsin bratwurst on the grill. Dessert of homemade peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies from yours truely.
 Then we shared stories and laughs over a few drinks around the campfire. Have you ever laughed so much that your cheeks hurt?
 The sunset came on so fast that we almost missed it. But thank heavens for the click of a camera to capture it forever.
On our way home we stopped at a wayside
to stretch our legs
and look at the size of this tree!
It towers over the others which are full sized. 
 It was breath-taking against that true blue sky!
 I love the contrast of the greens found in the woods
 and too soon we were on our way home

Sep 1, 2011

Change ~

September ...
a pause, for summer to say
an awkward and lingering

and for autumn,
sitting on a hilltop,
a jug of fresh cider
in one hand,

a bunch of wild purple asters
in the other,
waiting to say hello.

New York Times