All photos property of Cher Shots
do not copy without permission
After last years dry spell, we prepared for this year by setting out
five 50 gallon water barrels. They have been filled and refilled, refreshing the water on a regular basis. Needless to say, we have not used them at all yet this season. Our rains are coming in as if scheduled and the vegetable and flower gardens are responding beautifully.
Zinnias, swiss chard and lettuce
Gladiolas and beets
Gladiolas, beans and onions
Peas and spinach
Lilies, lilies, lilies ...
and more lilies
and yet another color
mixed in with multiplier onions
can one ever really
have enough lilies?
See, I do grow other flowers too

loving the Red, White and Blue
and the old weathered look
ah, the resting place for
after weeding of course!