Although we moved down to the 'lower 48' the fall of 2004; it's at this time of year I get the itch to move back up to Alaska ~ but just for the beautiful summers. I don't miss the 50 some below zero weather at all. But I do miss the summers. I miss our halibut fishing trips out of Valdez harbor. We would whale watch and enjoy the sea otters drifing along. And I miss our fishing trips at Chitna where I would take breaks reading on the banks as my husband spent hours on end 'dipping' for salmon. 

And I miss when we would take our lunch breaks from the office; go grab some sandwiches and go to Creamer's Field on the edge of Fairbanks to watch the sandhill cranes migrate through in the spring and fall.
And come winter we did do a few things to pass time like going to the Yukon Quest dog races even at -35 to -50 degrees. And the end of the winter bought the World Ice Art Championships. It blew my mind what they can do with ice, chainsaws and chisels.
And nothing beats having moose set up housekeeping in your own back yard. This cow and calf settled down in ours for a couple of months. We had to watch close as we opened the doors.
And of course traveling always had some snapshot moments. Caribou, moose, black and grizzly bear, etc.
But most of all we miss our good friends who shared in some of these adventures.