The snowball effect
in mid-summer! You know how it goes – you start with twenty pounds of
blueberries that need freezing … that leads to cleaning the freezer to see how
many are left from last year to find only one little bag. But in the process
you come across some frozen “stuff” that really should be used soon, as in now!
So you pull out a big bag of broccoli and you make a creamy broccoli soup. Then
you move onto some packages of turkey gizzards that are miraculously placed
into pickling brine and turkey broth cooked off. Oh wait – that was no miracle -I did that. Fish are thawing in the fridge for
tomorrow’s supper. Oh and let’s not forget a couple of bags of rhubarb that were
made into bars. Yup, that’s just one example of the snowball effect in
mid-summer! And how was your day?